Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aug 23 - Free tickets

Def Leppard Concert Aug 2011
Michael won free tickets to go see Def Leppard and Poison tomorrow night.  Pretty cool.  Makes me really happy because we went and saw Def Leppard last year.  We had only been dating for about 6 months when we saw the concert, but I was already crazy about him.  I knew he was something special.  Now for this concert we'll have been married just a little 6 months.  Hard to believe how quickly some things change.   

Foreigner May 2012
I was lucky enough to win us Foreigner tickets earlier this year.  Was a really great show out at Hoosier Park.  I think we both had a really great time. I really love going to concerts with Michael, he makes them so special and fun for me.

Work was hectic and my phone was glitchy but is all good.  Dinner at McAllisters and then a quick workout before I get to cuddle up with my honey and watch a Jason Statham movie.  Life is good.

Quick is right.  Could only do 10 minutes on the rowing machine before I thought I'd die.  Which is better than my last attempt wherein I could only manage 5.  I will get healthy if it kills me.  i am feeling a lot better over all.  my knees don't hurt as much and I find i can just generally do more, like hiking or bike riding.  I really want to be healthy.  and I wouldn't complain if I managed to look smokin hot while I'm 40. lol

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