Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 10

Had a great weekend with Michael.  Lovely date night on Friday, went to a wedding and reception on Saturday and drove to Anderson on Sunday and saw the kids, had a nice lunch with Kelly, and Michael fixed her scooter again. 

Have decided to stop weighing in every morning because I'm tired of letting the scale fluctuations determine if it's going to be a good day or a bad day.  I am worth more as a person than a number on a scale.  And while I'm trying very hard to get that number lower and in turn to be a more fit and healthy person, basing my self worth on whether or not I've gained or lost seems rather silly.  It's natural for bodyweight to shift up and down on a daily basis.  So I've decided to only weigh in on Fridays.  So far I made it the weekend without stepping on.  lets see if I can go the whole week without peeking.

Had a productive morning workout.  Cranked the tension on the rowing machine up to 5 and did 10 minutes on it without keeling over and dying.  Planning on taking a walk when I get home with Xandra after work/school and then riding 12 miles tonight.  we'll see if i manage to stick to that too.  Anyway, off to work, post more later.

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